SkateBoarding Lessons with Aaron Morgan From "The Proper Technique" SkateBoard Instruction
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Hey kids, tell your mom your to old for Chucky Cheddars and take skate lessons for your birthday! Your friends will think it's cool and you might even learn some new skate tricks.
We hooked up with Aaron Morgan of "The Proper Technique" for a private skate birthday party and the kids absolutely loved it. We saw an ad in the local school newspaper and decided to give them a call and see how much it would cost. We were pleasantly surprised to find that the service was reasonable compared to the other over priced birthday party locations and options.
Aaron was great to work with through the planning process. We were able to reserve our skate party location at the Kr3w skate park, in the back of their warehouse in Santa Ana, CA. The skate facility consists of wood ramps and a super fun mini half pipe with a bowl at one end. Our skate session lasted just over two hours. Check out Photo's of the Kr3w Skate Park

Skateboarding Birthday Party with Aaron Morgan of "The Proper Technique" Skate Instruction at the Krew Skate Park. From right to left: Decker, Colin, Aaron, Alex, Isabel, Johnny, Brendan, Griffin and Chase.
Our party consisted of eight skaters (7 boys, 1 girl) ages ranging from 6 to 11 with a range of ability from beginner to inediate. Aaron divided the group into pairs with simimilar abilities. I realy liked how effective this teaching technique was for the individual skaters. He was then able to focus on the core skateboarding techniques “Getting Started”, “Basic Tricks”, “Moving On” for each group which really seemed to accelerate their ability to learn.
More about The Proper Techniques Skateboarding Tricks Core Programs...
This is not a paid promotional advertisement. "The Proper Technique" was paid the full going rate for the private skateboard lessons as to not influence this review in anyway. We were very pleased with the pricing, service and facility for our skateboarding birthday party.
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