Bahne-Cadillac SlalomCross

Bahne-Cadillac SlalomCross
April 12th - Rain
Date April 13th, 2003
Paso Robles, California
In 1975 the Bahne-Cadillac
Del Mar Nationals changed skateboarding forever...and now almost thirty
years later we're doing it again.

Be a part of skateboarding
history. This is the first race
of it's kind... a combination of dual slalom, dual giant
slalom and two-man downhill. We're calling it
SLALOMCROSS. Total length of the coursewill be
almost 1100'. Approximately 60 cones. Practice times
ranged from 44 to 55 seconds. The course surface
is rated 6/7 on a scale of 10. Hay bales will be set in
critical sections.

Registration for the
event will soon be available at
You can also register
via email:

This is an open event.
Prize money will be paid to
4th place. First place will be a minimum of $1,000.
Entries are limited to the first 60 racers.
Entry fee is $100.00.
Paypal entries accepted
Mail entries to:
Bahne Skateboards
16366 Morro Road
Atascadero, California
No entries will be
accepted the day of the race.
For sponsor or vendor
tent information please email or call 805-462-2712.
@ www.boarding.com |